• Where I am:

MA study in Philosophy




The MA Program in Philosophy taught in English provides instruction in all major areas of Western Philosophy. In addition, the master’s thesis can be written on a topic from Eastern Philosophy - an expert in this field will be appointed as the supervisor. The program is structured, yet leaves enough room for student’s own preferences. The degree is recognized worldwide including in the EU/EEA and Switzerland, the US, Canada, Russia, Turkey, China, Indian Sub-Continent, Latin America, and the Middle East.
Courses offered: Philosophical Anthropology, Ethics, Axiology, Philosophical Method, Truth and Meaning, Philosophy of Intercultural Relations, Social Philosophy, Continental Philosophy, Philosophy for Children, Philosophy of Culture, Logic in the Continental Tradition, Theories of Truth, Existential Dialectics, Philosophy of Subjective Action, Phenomenology, Renaissance Philosophy
Faculty Members: All faculty teaching at the program are approved by the Bulgarian State Highest Assessment Commission. They feature successful teaching experience in this country and abroad and are well published in Bulgarian and English.
Duration of Studies: two semesters of course attendance plus a third semester for writing the master’s thesis; opportunities for distance learning.
Admission Requirements: Bachelor’s degree in any field of humanities, social science, science, or professional disciplines. No tests or application fee are required (for citizens of EU/EEA and Switzerland applying for a state scholarship €16 fee is charged and an interview is held). No previous degree in philosophy is needed.
Tuition fee:
1) citizens of EU/EEA and Switzerland – €844 per school year
2) international students - €3 850 per school year
Financial aid:
A) Citizens of the EU/EEA and Switzerland are eligible for state scholarships carrying a 75% tuition waiver plus a monthly stipend beginning from the second semester.
B) Fulbright Graduate Grants are offered to American citizens as a form of very competitive financial aid; for more information see www.fulbright.bg. Furthermore, American applicants are eligible for Federal Loans; please check for more details at the Education Department web site, http://www.ed.gov/offices/OSFAP/DirectLoan/index.html; at Sallie Mae, http://www.salliemae.com/, and at the Student Loan Network, http://www.privatestudentloans.com and https://www.discoverstudentloans.com. It is possible for the American citizens to use some other sources of government financial assistance (please contact the Program Director for details).
C) Financial aid to Canadian nationals is provided in the form of Government Student Loans by the Province where they permanently reside.
D) The Western Balkans citizens are welcome to apply for Erasmus Mundus/BASELEUS Project scholarship carrying full tuition waiver and monthly stipend, http://www.basileus.ugent.be/index.asp?p=111&a=111 .
E) Students from Turkey can receive financial aid within the Erasmus Student Exchange Program.
F) Financial aid for Chinese students is available within the bilateral Chinese-Bulgarian Cultural Agreement. Please contact the Chinese Ministry of Education for more information.
H) Students from Russia (Financial aid for Russian students is available within the bilateral Russian-Bulgarian Cultural Agreement. Please contact the Russian Ministry of Education for more information). Students from the Ukraine, Belarus, and the other CIS countries, the Indian Sub-Continent, Latin America, and the Middle East receive financial aid in the form of inexpensive dormitory accommodation (about €50 per month including most of the utilities) plus a discount on public transportation and at the University cafeterias. The same type of financial aid is available for the citizens of EU/EEA and Switzerland, American citizens, Canadian nationals, Western Balkans citizens, students from Turkey, and Chinese students.
Application deadline: September 30, to start in October; January 31, to start in March.
Student Visa Matters: Sofia University in cooperation with the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science provides the necessary documents for student visa application to all eligible candidates outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland.
Cultural Life and Recreation: Being the capital of Bulgaria, Sofia features a rich cultural life. In most of the cinemas, English language films can be seen. There are a number of concert halls, dozens of art galleries, and many national and international cultural centers. The streets of Sofia are populated by cozy cafés and high quality inexpensive restaurants offering Bulgarian, European, and international cuisine. Sofia is a favorable place for summer and winter sports including skiing in the nearby mountain of Vitosha. More about Sofia and can be found at http://www.sofia-life.com/culture/culture.php. You can follow Sofia and Bulgarian news at http://www.novinite.com/lastx.php.

Contact person: Dr. Alexander L. Gungov, Program Director
E-mail: agungov@phls.uni-sofia.bg, agungov@yahoo.com
Phone: (+3592) 9308-414 (Bulgaria is within the Eastern European Time Zone)
Mailing address: Department of Philosophy, Sofia University, 15 Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd., Sofia 1504, BULGARIA.