• Where I am:

Sofia Philosophical Review is a peer reviewed journal of philosophy founded in 2006 and indexed by The Philosopher's Index, the MLA International Bibliography, and EBSCO.   ISSN 1313-275X

A journal dedicated to book reviews of titles in social, political, and moral philosophy, as well as metaphysics and the history of philosophy from a continental perspective, and in the philosophy of medicine. We have created an Aspiration Corner for articles authored by doctoral students and post-doctoral fellows. The space given to articles in the Aspiration Corner is the same as that given to book reviews.


Dr. Alexander L. GungovEditor and Founder, Professor, St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia

Mr. Karim Mamdani, Senior Book Review Editor, Independent Scholar residing in North America and Europe

Dr. Jonathan Bruce, Aspiration Corner Editor, Independent Scholar residing in the USA

Dr. Joseph Milburn, University of Sofia, Aspiration Corner Guest Editor (Vol. XV, no. 1, 2022)

Mr. Tomas Pewton, Asst. Book Review Editor, ABA in Philosophy, St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia

Dr. Kristina Stoeckl, International Editor, Assistant Professor and leader of the project Postsecular Conflicts, Department of Sociology, University of Innsbruck, Austria

Dr. Frederic Tremblay, Associate Editor, Visiting Lecturer, St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia (2019-2021; Vol. XII, no. 1 – Vol. XIII, no. 1)

Dr. John McSweeney, Former Associate Editor    (Vol. VI, no. 2 - Vol. XI, no. 2), Independent Scholar, Cork, Ireland

Dr. Peter S. Borkowski, Associate Editor (Vol. I, no. 1 - Vol. VI, no. 1), Assistant Professor, Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane/American University in Cairo

The journal appears biannually. We accept book reviews of titles in social, political, and moral philosophy, as well as metaphysics and the history of philosophy from a continental perspective, and in the philosophy of medicine. Book reviews should be 1,000-1,500 words in length. Doctoral students and post-doctoral fellows are invited to submit articles for the Aspiration Corner. Articles should not exceed 8,000 words in length. They should be accompanied by a 100-150 word abstract and 5-7 keywords. References should appear as footnotes. The font to be used is Times New Roman, 12 point. The Sofia Philosophical Review follows The Chicago Manual of Style.

Please send all book reviews, books for review, and articles to the Editor, Dr. Alexander Gungov, at agungov@phls.uni-sofia.bg.


The SPhR is associated with the Graduate Program in Philosophy Taught in English, at Sofia University:



SPhR cooperates with SPEP:


Philosophy Resourse Guide:






Besides the Editors the journal's staff includes:

Diana Zankova, Administrator of the SPhR’s web page within the SU web site;

Aglika Gungova, cover Designer.